
Professional School Counselor
If any assistance is needed, please stop by the office…my door is always open. 

ACT Preparation Booklets available in the Counseling office

Catholic High Pointe Coupee School ACT Code – 192-230

Login or Create a student account

Be sure to include the TOPS code 1595 on Section O of the ACT Registration Form.

Prospective College Athlete?

If so, the time is now to submit the NCAA Initial Eligibility Clearinghouse form. Apply at 

Senior Boys

The US Government requires that by your 18th birthday you register with Selective Service. If you plan to apply for any type of federal or state financial aid, you must be registered with Selective Service to qualify for any aid (including TOPS). It’s easy to register: go to or pick up a registration form at your local post office and mail it in.

Are You 17?

If so now is the time to register to vote!  Have your voice heard.  Voter registration applications are available in the Counseling Office.


A-Hec of a Summer

This Health Careers Volunteer Program is open to students entering tenth, eleventh and twelfth grade students with at least a 2.0 (C) grade point average.   During a five-week period, students rotate through hospital departments, attend workshops and field trips. To apply, complete the application, write a personal essay on why you are interested in the program, course transcript and recommendation. Application and other information is available at